Jesus han zegoen
urteotan memoria berreskuratu nahi izan da Gerra Zibilaren inguruan 75.
urteurrena bete delako anaien arteko gerra odoltsu harena.
gutxi nire eskuetara Gernikako bonbardaketari buruzko liburu bat heldu da nire
eskuetara: The Day Guernica Was Bonbed.
Egilea William L. Smallwood da, estatu batuarra, Idahon bizi izan dena eta
bertan euskaldun askoren lagun egin zena. Hirurogeita hamarreko hamarkadan
egonaldi batzuk egin zituen Gernikan eta euskara ikasteaz gain, Gernikako bonbardaketatik
bizirautea lortu zutenei elkarrizketak egin zizkien. 74 pertsonen testigantzak
bildu zituen, horrelako “ikerketak” egitea zaila zen garaian. Haien
testigantzak ingelesera itzuli zituen AEBetan bizi zen euskaldun batek. Liburua
ingelesez dago.
gai interesgarri asko ikerketa horretan, baina nik kontu bati soilik erreparatu
nahi diot. Horrore horretan, hainbat pertsonen sufrimendukide izan genuen Jesus
gure Jauna.
eliza batzuk zituen Gernikak (eder askoak, bide batez esanda) eta haietan
zenbaitek aterpea lortu zuten. Haietan eta beste zenbait aterpetan baziren
elizgizon batzuk beren herrikideak gogo berotuz eta haiekin eta haien alde
arrived at the Santa Maria Church just as the heavy bombing started. There were
many people there, including two Jesuit priests, the Goikoetxea brothers, who
were trying to calm us and give us strength. Father Juan Jose advised us to do
an act of penitence and afterwards he forgave our sins and told us we would all
go to Heaven if we died then. He left shortly afterward, saying that many other
people were in need of spiritual aid. Father Fidel remained with us”.
artean, badira asko bonben azpiko errezoak kontatzen dituztenak. Pertsona batek
gogoratzen du ama baten eta beraren semearen arteko elkarrizketa:“There were
some refugees from Guipuzkoa by me and one of the little boys said, “Mother,
must we open our mouths?” “Yes, dear,” answered his mother. “Mother, must we
pray the Lord’s Prayer?” “Yes, my dear”, she responded. I was very moved just
to think that those little children had been through this before and were so
calmly preparing themselves to endure another bombing.”
karmeldar batek ere ematen du bere testigantza. Anbulantziak antolatu eta
laguntza espirituala emateko zegoen han. Emakume bat eta bere semepontekoa
hiltzen ikusi zituen. Absoluzioa eman zien hilzorian zeudela:
hadn’t gone far before an airplane came over and I had to dive into a dich for
cover. A woman and young boy runnin ahead of me didn’t make it. A bomb fell
beteween us. It was a powerful blast. I immediately climbed out of the dich and
ran to the woman and boy. […] I gave them absolution and stayed with them until
I was certain that they were dead”.
hartan, errezu eta aitortza asko izan ziren Gernikan zeudenen artean, orduko
euskaldunen sinismenaren adierazgarri. Hona hemen zer dioen orduan zaurituta
zegoen Iñaki Rezabalek:
confessing, I asked Father Goikoetxea if he would sit down with my wife, who
was a refugee in Bermeo, and tell her what had happened to me, and that I had
given a good confession. I thought tha I was probably going to die and I knew
she would live much more in peace if she knew that I had had the opportunity to
make such a confession. Father Goikoetxea agreed to do that. Then he said
goodbay and admonished me to forgive those who had wounded me.”
testigantzen artean, hauek adibide batzuk baino ez dira. Horrore giro hartan
Jesus nolabait pertsona haiekin zegoen, haiekin sufritzen, haiei betiko
atsedena ematen, zentzugabekeria hartatik itxaropen izpi bat ematen pertsona
haiei. Hori haien sinesmenari esker eta aldamenean zeuzkaten artzainei esker
izan zen. Eta gaur egun ere, gure neke eta pozaldietan bidelagun dugu, ez
dezagun ahantzi, izan dezagula sinesmena eta eska diezaiogun Hari artzainak
izan ditzagula.