Picture taken from my room. 9:15 pm
Nicole Du Pont. Notice the USAC's logo: a lauburu! Getting ready to work!
With the crew in Pyramid lake, Nevada.
Pyramid Lake and the surrounding mountains, sunset
Visitors to the Basque Library, University of Nevada
"Fronton" at Jordan Valey. Frontoia Jordan Valey-ren sarreran
With Aita Antton Eguren, Chaplain of the Basque Community in Idaho. After celebrating the Mass of Saint Ignatius of Loiola
Pyramid Lake and the surrounding mountains, sunset
Visitors to the Basque Library, University of Nevada
"Fronton" at Jordan Valey. Frontoia Jordan Valey-ren sarreran
With Aita Antton Eguren, Chaplain of the Basque Community in Idaho. After celebrating the Mass of Saint Ignatius of Loiola
At the ikastola of Boise, with Aita Antton and Sho Hagio, a Japanese Basque speaker who translated Linguae Vasconum Primitiae ( 1545) into Japanese language
With the former Lehendakari (President) of the Basque Country at the Jaialdi in Boise
Goirizelaia, nire errektore eta Bizkaiko ahaldun nagusiarekin Boisen
Mikel Reparazekin, kazetari handia, aurrerakoia, EITBko korrespontsala AEBetan
Expo- Boise, after the bertsolari session, with the bertslaris Xabier Paya and Nerea. I've never seen a bilingual ( Basque-English) session like this. They did a pretty good job.
Boise, Saint Ignatius of Loiola feast
Éster Ziganda, euskal-nafar jatorriko amerkarra, Argitxu Camus zuberotar ikerlaria eta euskal jatorriko beste amerikar batekin, San Iñazioren meza aurretik, prozesioa ikusten.

'The Basque Baptism' of the Bishop of Boise, Peter F. Christensen. After Mass, he was given the `txapela´ (Basque beret) so from now on he will be considered Basque too. His name, Peter, was also turned into `Kepa´, the bishop of the Basques in Idaho. He accepted his nomination after concelebrating Mass in a crowded St. Mark's Church, with arround 2000 christians there.

Expo- Boise, after the bertsolari session, with the bertslaris Xabier Paya and Nerea. I've never seen a bilingual ( Basque-English) session like this. They did a pretty good job.

An ordinary day at the Center for Basque Studies (University of Nevada). Behind me, Sho Hagio, a Japanese-Basque translator

At the presentation of the book All that Followed by Gabriel Urza. With the author and some Basques in Reno
With Joxe Mallea, a great historian and researcher originally from Ibarrangelua ( Bizkaia) who has been living in the States for more than 40 years and Laura Igantzi, born in California but raised in Lesaka (Navarra). She is in charge of Euskal Artzainak Ameriketan association. At the Santa Fe Basque restaurant ( Reno)

Visiting Abel Mendeguia's place, Stampede Reservoir. Abel Mendeguia is originally from Lesaka (Navarra) and he arrived to the States in 1951 to work as sheperd. In 1979 he married to Judy who told us many stories about their life in a sheep camp. //
Abel Mindegia eta bere emaztea Judyren ardien kanpamendua bisitatzen, Stampede Reservoir deiturikoa. Hainbat urtetan ardiak eta abereak zaintzen ibili eta gero, orain bisitak eta barbakoak antolatzen dituzte garai bateko euskal artazainen bizimodua azaltzeko.
Another ordinary day working at the Basque Library. Here, with two good colleagues: Ismael Manterola (UPV-EHU) and Argitxu Camus (Office Public de la Langue Basque)
A sheep camp run by Basques in Nevada mountains. This oven was built in 1929 and, after many years abandoned, it was reconstructed by Joxe Mallea and some more friends. They are doing a serious job following the footprints of Basque shepherds in America

Jesus Goñi bertsolari oronoztarrarekin euskaldunen labearen ondoan. 50 urte bete berriak ditu Ameriketara etorri zenetik. Bere bertso etorria ez da agortu, ezta hurrik eman ere!

Jesus Goñi eta Marie Lekunberrirekin. Azken hau G.T. Basque izeneko Gardnevilleko jatetxearen jabea da, bere anaia Jean Baptisterekin batera. Ameriketan jaioak eta euskaldunak.
Asteburua /weekend in San Francisco

Having a drink with Joxe Mallea, a great Basque historian, Sara, his wife, a great editor and other Basque scholars who are visiting the Center of Basques Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno.
At the Center for Basques Studies, during a short break. Ainara Ardanaz, from the University of Navarra; Ismael Manterola, Aritz Farwell and myself, the three of us from the University of the Basque Country

More and more staff at the CBS
Sandra Ott and Xabier Irujo, members of the Staff of the CBS

At the Basque Sheperd monument, statue made by Nestor Basterretxea. With XabieR Irujo, his wife Txispi, Ismael Manterola and Edurne Arostegui. My staying here is arraving to it's enD here and it is time to say goodbay to the memory of the Basques.

Aralarko ahuntzak Aralarrera nahi. In my way back to the Basque Country. At Reno airport

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