My Nevada Adventure in 2023-2024
Welcome to my bilingual entry! In this space, I'll be sharing my experiences and stories from my stay in Nevada (and other US states) throughout 2023 and early 2024. The entries will be in English and Basque, showcasing the unique cultural blend of my journey. While I won't be seeking perfect symmetry between the languages, I hope you'll find it entertaining and engaging. So, let's dive into the captivating chronicles of my Nevada adventure!
By revisiting older texts, located "below," and progressing towards the most recent ones "above," you'll witness the evolution of my narrative, gaining deeper insights into my Nevada experience.
Thank you for joining me on this captivating bilingual voyage! Stay tuned for more thrilling tales and captivating adventures to come.
Entry, October 17, 2023
Today we had the following proposed theme for the "Arnas Berri": "may we not stumble over the same stone again."
These have been my bertsos:
Agintariek gu_azpiratzeko
beldurra dute harrobi
eta beldurra sartu nahiean
asmatuz hainba istori
katastrofeak datozkigula
iragartzen zenbait txori
ta bitartean hor gutxi batzuk
tripa betez eta lodi
ez gaitezela harri berean
behin eta berriz erori.
Garai batean birus txar bati
jarri gintuzten begira
ta_horren ostean injekzio batek
ba omen zuen distira
ta inflazioan erruduna zen
Ukraniako mobida
ta ez ahaztu, kokolo hori,
klima aldatzen ari da.
istori horiek behin eta berriz
guri saltzen ari dira.
Egoera honek gizaki denok
egin gaitu umiliatu
baina_ez kezketu salbatzaileak
egin zaizkigu esnatu
Dabosko foro horri eskerrak
dena_egin zaigun kanbiatu
agintariok ta aktoreok
behar ditugu maitatu
abioi pribatu eder horietan
horra dira abiatu.
Entry, October 10, 2023
In today's Arnas Berri session, the topic was: "What does silence hide?"
These have been my bertsos:
Orain ixiltasunak
badigu axola
bere presentziak digu
nahasten odola
horren atzean zer den
ze arranopola
asmatuko al dugu
hala edo nola
agian hoztasuna
ta autokontrola.
Ixiltasuna dugu
bertsozko amua
eta gaur kantatzeko
gure eremua
agian azaldu behar
dut hauxe mamua
zergatik askotan den
beren infernua
da txarto_egindakoen
mina ta damua.
Batzuk beti hizketan
ta aho zabalka
ta_ixilik dagoenak
egien du talka
zer den ixiltasuna
ez nezake salta
esplikatu nahiean
nabil ni atalka
zerbait adierazteko
ausardia falta.
Entry, July 18, 2023
This week the theme proposed for the "bertso-eskola" has been: "you have won the lottery, what are you going to do?", or something like that.
These are my three bertsos about it.
Loteri hura irabazteko
nigan obsesio eginda
beti erosten ea zorterik
egiten zidan firrinda
lagunak beti niri esaka
zuri tokatzea_ezin da
eta azkenean niri tokatu
hori pastelaren ginda!
ezina ema-ten zuen baina
egia bihurtu egin da.
Berria jakin nuen orduan
ospatu nun lagunekin
ta hantxe zeuden Txema ta Josu
Jaione, Felix ta Jokin
ospakizuna bukatu eta
pentsatzeari nion ekin
ondori-o bat atera nuen
zein dan nahi duzue jakin?
tokatzea bai-no gehiago da
zer eingo duzun horrekin.
Diru mordoa irabazita
aldatu egin da paisaia
agian une egokia da
nik hartzeko andregaia
bai eta ere behar dutenei
eskaintzeko hornigaia
nire ametsa da antolatzea
karitatezko muntaia
oin etorri zait hainbat kausa oni
nik laguntzeko garaia.
Entry: July 16, 2023
On July 16, the celebration of Our Lady of Mount Carmel provided the perfect opportunity for a day of relaxation and exploration. Iker, Txomin, and three others embarked on a trip to Lake Tahoe, where they marveled at the scenic beauty of Emerald Bay, explored the surrounding forests, and indulged in the first swim of the season at one of its inviting beaches. In the afternoon, they continued their adventure by visiting Virginia City, capturing numerous moments through an abundance of photographs. It was a thoroughly fulfilling and eventful day, brimming with memorable experiences.
Entry: July 15, 2023
On Saturday, July 15th, the Reno, NV Basque Fiesta took place in a slightly secluded location, featuring both a covered area that provided a refreshing ambience and an outdoor shaded space for rural sports (herri kirolak). The atmosphere was truly remarkable, capturing the essence of the event. The day commenced with a Catholic Mass officiated by Aita Antton, followed by captivating displays of rural sports and enchanting Basque dances performed by the renowned group "Zazpiak Bat" from Reno. The festivities were further amplified by the delightful music of the group Amerikanuak. Despite the scorching heat that enveloped the day, the energy and enthusiasm persisted, making it an incredibly vibrant and memorable occasion.
Entry: June 15, 2023
In our recent "bertso eskola" session, we delved into a timely theme: tackling those extra kilos by embracing sports. With doctors recommending physical activity for a healthier lifestyle, I composed the following bertsos:
Kirola egiteko
aholkatu egin dit
medikuak izena
ahoskatzen zun "Mike"
kirola_egite horrek
egiten dit gogait
"luzeago biziko
zarela zin dagit"
hori ez dakit baina
luzea egingo zait.
Agian arrazoi du
pentsatsen jarrita
aldatu beharko dtu
buruan nik txipa
egian esan horrek
badauka logika
baina_hortan pentsatzeaz
hasten naiz antsika
izerdia botatzea
ez da plan polita.
Geroko beti_uzteaz
ni naiz erruduna
horrela ez dut zaintzen
hemen osasuna
nire alferkeria
da nahiko ezaguna
inoiz izan behar naiz
agian bihar izango
da lehenengo_eguna.
Entry: June 8, 2023
Today's theme for writing bertsos is: "Many don't see it that way, but don't think it's a lie" (Aunitzek ez du ikusten, baina ez pentsa gezurra denik). I decided to approach this topic from a conspiracy perspective.
By making this choice, I delve into intriguing theories and alternative viewpoints that challenge the mainstream narratives. Exploring the shadows of perception, I'll uncover hidden truths and share my thoughts on the matter. Join me on this intellectual journey as we navigate the realm of conspiracies and unravel the complex web of information.
Hortxe nengoen euskaldunekin
euskal festan edo pic-nic
gizartearen norabideaz
hor pentsaketa eginik
gauza arraro sarri ikusiz
jarrera kritiko dut nik
konspirazio asko dabiltza
egia osoa esanik
aunitzek ez du ikusten baina
ez pentsa gezurra denik.
Klima aldaketa datorkigula
diote askok espantuka
Kanadan sute asko dabiltza
denak batera pizutta
chemtrailak zeru urdina zauriz
utzi dute kutsatuta
horren aurrean nahi digute
askatasuna hurrupa
eta neurriak guri garrita
ez nago bape harrituta.
Covid zala-ta itxialdi hark
izan zun nahiko entzute
gero mandatu ta debekuek
piztu zuten hainbat sute
ondoren txerto hark diotenez
ez zun hainbeste bertute
halere mezu beldurgarriek
medioetan diraute
pandemiarekin hasi zutena
orain burutu nahi dute.
Date: June 4, 2023
Location: Petaluma, California
On Sunday, June 4, the San Francisco Basque Cultural Center hosted a Basque party in Petaluma, a town about 40 minutes north of San Francisco. The event started with a Catholic Mass, followed by dances, tributes, and delicious food. I had the chance to meet people from Bizkaia (Jose Alberdi) and Navarra (Jose Tellechea, Fco. Vicondoa, Felix Istilart, and others). The interviews I conducted were really interesting and gave me valuable insights.
2023-05-27/29On Friday, May 27, I had the privilege of attending a symposium organized by the Institute for Basque Studies at California State University, led by Professor Steve Gamboa, the institute's director.
Saturday and Sunday were dedicated to the Kern County Basque Festival, at the Bakersfield Basque Center. The fronton they have and the land surrounding the Basque center are enviable.

We interviewed Navarrese individuals who have relocated to California, namely Francisco Ibilcieta and Mattin Etchamendi. They graciously shared their personal stories of immigration to the United States.

Today is the feast of San Jose worker.
At the bertso school tomorrow Tuesday these are the bertsos that I have composed.
Topic: "Zure bizitzako paperik garrantzitsuena sinatzear zaude. Boligrafoak dar-dar egiten dizu eskuetan. (You are about to sign the most important paper of your life. The pen trembles in your hands.)".
Hau da une estugarri
zinez guztiz kezkagarri
adin batera heldu naiz eta
egin naiz zaurgarri
luma medesez ekarri
ura be bai, naiz egarri
testamendua idatzeiko dut
ta jarri naiz larri.
Hontan ez naiz ni abilla
nabil argitasun bila (dauzkat zalantzarik mila)
nahiz ta bankuan nik ez daukadan
hortxe diru pila
hau nire agindu isila
egon nadinean hila
daukadantxoa familiarentzat
bidera dadila.
For this day we were given this topic: "Etxe aurrean lasai lasai eserita zaudela jendea presaz ikusten duzu (Sitting quietly in front of the house, you see people hurrying)". These are my bertsos:
Jendea presaz doa
hemendikan hara
arpegian dakusat
nik haien ikara
autoz edota oinez
estres ta dardara
lagunak entzun nire
aholkua hara
etxetik lan eitea
errazagoa da.
Lantokira joatea
ezin sahiestua
ez baitugu etxetzat
hemen komentua
baina kotxez joatea
ez da asuntua
orain entzun zazute
nire predikua
bizikletaz joatea
nire aholkua.
Arnas berri bertso school. Topic: "Zaborretar botatzera joan zara, baina gorde egin duzu azkenean".
Iraungitako jana
nahiz ta ondo izan
botatzera noa ni
gauaren gerizan
hortxe dakust pobre bat
zaraman peskizan
etxera noa birriz
lapur baten gisan
ez dut nahi pobre honek
hori irents dezan.
Usteldutako jana
uztea bai zera!
ez nago ni prest pobre
hori kutsatzera
aldatu egin behar
gaurkoan papera
askoren begietan
nahiz izan galera
jana gozoarekin
jaitsi naiz kalera.
Aititegaz gaur paseo eder
bat eman dugu hizketan
han atalaian balean gaia
atera egin du kantetan
baina ez dakit benetan ote
edo ari da ametsetan
aitite zelan ibiltzen zinen
balearekin holgetan
hamaika aldiz txaluparekin
ibiltzen zinen gaztetan.
Hantxe esan dit balean bila
ibili zela askotan
Joxe laguna ta beste batzuk
balearen arrastotan
arpoia bota ta arrastaka
gu jarri ginen kolokan
ta lagun hura ito egin zela
berakin norgehiagotan
oraindit dakust nire lagun ha
balearekin borrokaan.
Anai txikia nire ondoan
hazten nuen ikusia
beti laguntzen beti babesten
nik bera ez nun utzia
gure arteko harreman ona
horixe zen nagusia
biana bizitza bira emanez
bihurtu zen itsusia.
Mundu honetan ohartu gabe
badira hianbat adikzio
droga txar hori probatu nahi zun
akatsa hantxe zen jaio
jolasa zena na-hiko azkar
bilakatu zen bizio.
gazte garaiko erabakia
garesti atera zaio.
Harrez geroztik diruan eske
nigana hainbeste txango
droga horrekin hainbat biderrez
berak dantzatu zun tango
entzun, anaia, nire ahoku
hauxe deuat nik esango
proiektu hombre ez bahaiz sartzen
ez joat dirua emango.
Topic: "Aitaren izenean zegoen kaleari izena aldatu diote" (They have changed the name of the street to the street that had the name of your father.)
Aita zan hemen ganadero bat
ta ongile aipagarria
lana emanez, sindikatoan
guztientzat lagungarria
kale honeri izena emanda
zizelkatu zen harria
baina alkate berriarentzat
hori ez da onargarria
gaur egunean abeltzaintza da
gaitz guztien oinarria.
Ganadua-omen dugu
guztien kalteko
karbonoa baotatzen du
dena kutsatzeko
guztiok omen gaude
agendan menpeko
okela bukatzea
denon onerako
kabroia izan behar da
hori estateko.
(bi 10eko txiki)
Iluntzean noa ni
Virginia street goran
ta norbait nire atzean
hara ba nor doan
ene pentsatzen ai naiz
nor demontre ote dan
zalantza daukat orain
zalantza kolkoan
homlessa izan diateke
galde dieazaiodan.
Harritu aurpegia
galde diodanean
"homlessa naiz" esan dit
bai nabarmenean
hizketan egon gara
modu onenean
banoala etxera
esan dudanean
limosna eskatu dit
Jainkoan izenean.
Ez dizut, aita, orain
nik joko adarra
ez egin negarra
egia izango da
gaur nire marmarra
notak nik aldatzean
gainditu dut marra
baina ez dagil zuzen
gure maisi zaharra
truko honek darabil
barruan indarra
pikaro izatea
ez da ba hain txarra.
Laxalt Centennial Conference delako kongresuan parte hatzea egokitu zait. Nire hitzalditxoaren gaia: "Bertsolaritza, Improvised Basque Poetry: A Primer" izan da eta martxoaren 10ean izan zen arratsaldez.
Gero bertso-saio bat izan da University of Nevada, Renoko areto batean: Johnny Kurutxet, Todor Arzutza, Martin Goikoetxea eta Xabier Euzkitze izan dira.
Eguna borobiltzeko Louis Basque Cornerren afari jendetsua izan da.
Today will be the third session of the "Arnas Berri" bertso-school. Last week he gave us the theme to compose two bertsos: "Tomorrow you are going to set sail on a boat and you are going to be at sea for 6 months." The bertsos that I have composed with this theme are:
Txikitatikan arrantza eginez
berdindu egin dut gosea
Sarri arrantzan joateko prestu
zortea da halakoxea
barkuan denok beti helburutzat
daukagu hegaluzea
soilik gauz batez seguru nago
eingo zaidala luzea.
(8ko txikian)
Itxasoan barrena
hemendik aparte
ibiliko naiz beti
arrantza bitarte
hola ezinezko da
inongo elkarte
agur lagun maiteak
ta hurrengora arte.
Last week the theme for composing bertsos was: You have been chosen in a casting to make a film because you are handsome. These were my bertsos:
Bizi guztian pentsatu egin dut
nahiko itsusia nintzela
ta bapatean filme batean
parte hartzeko txartela
nire kasuan edertasuna
dudanez oso txepela
piztiarena tokatu egin zait
hoixe da nire papela.
(8ko txikia)
Piztia ta ederra
filmean remaika
hori nire bizitzan
izan da enbata
paper horrek seguru
eingo du zarata
nire edertasuna
basatia da-ta.
Boisen nengoela Todor Azurtza ezagutu nuen. Boisen bizi den donostiarra da eta bertso-eskola bat jarri du martxan, neurri batean online egiten dena. Esan nion apunta nazala eta badirudi ostegun honetan egingo dugula entrenamendu saio bat (niretzat lehenengoa). Skype omen da erabiliko dugun aplikazioa konektatzeko. Horren haritik, hona nire betsoak.
Skype dei hori bilakauko da
bertsolaritzan atea
praktikan bidez saihestukogu
arte eder hau ahaztea
Martitzenean da niretzako
bertso eskolan hastea
online izanda eta distantziaz
ez da etengo katea
ohorea da eskola hortan
parte hartu ahal izatea.
Lagun arteko bertso taldea
ibilia gazten denboran
ta skypen aukera hau izanda
horra itzultzeko tobogan
bertsotan zelan kantatutzen dan
praktikauko dugu holan
esker mila onartzeagatik
zuen sareko eskolan.
And the last bertso, for now:
Egonaldi bat kanpoaldean
egiteko nun antsia
Ohi legez Reno proposatzeko
izan nuen ausardia
banun gogoa eta txirrinta
agurtzeko euskal jendia
izen guztiak buruan neuzkan
urlia ta berendia
Ameriketa urte oso bat,
hori da zorte handia!
I went to Boise, the capital of the state of Idaho, for a few days. I have been able to do interviews and greet well-known people. The beginning was a lecture by the doctor-professor Xabier Irujo on the "lies about the bombing of Gernika" at the Basque Museum in Boise.
After interviewing Luis Zubizarreta from Guernica, in Boise. Then we went to the Leku Ona restaurant in the Basque Block with other Basques.
Then I was lucky enough to interview Mari Carmen Tottoricaguena: a piece of woman and an institution here. I was also with Merche Azkarate, interviewed last year.
Around the second weekend in Nevada I got a used bike. They sold it at the Reno Bike Project, south of Virginia Street, not very cheap but at least they give you the security of technical assistance (fixes, etc).
The first weekend in Reno and it snowed, as you can see in the photos. Reno's main street, Virginia street was for cross country skiing. The bad thing is that the buses did not run and we had to make a journey from downtown to my house.
The temperatures were below zero, and therefore the ice, icicles, and snow held out for quite some time.
This is the day I arrived in Nevada. I left Loiu at 7 in the morning and arrived at Reno at 5:30 in the afternoon, taking advantage of the fact that we were "following" the sun, we saved a few hours on the trip (which lasted about 15 hours in total).
That night I didn't sleep much because of the cold (the heating didn't work well in the apartment) and I decided to leave the apartment at night, go to the UNR (University of Nevada, Ren), take a selfie with the Basque pastor who is on campus , then I went to a casino to warm up and then I went to Mass, at the cathedral in Reno, to start my stay off right.
In the center there was already a little sign with my name in the office that I was going to use: quite a detail. And this will be the "cubicle" where I will be working long hours.
On the second day of my arrival, I saw that in the newsletter of the Center for Basque Studies there was a little article that they wrote to me during my previous stay, in November 2021. Interesting surprise.