Duela urte bi, Seatlle-tik Washinton estatura, hau da, AEBetako Ipar Mendebaldera, aldatu zen Raj Natarajan bere familiarekin batera. Egin zuen lehenengo gauza neskentzako eskola bat bilatzea izan zen, bere bi alabentzako eskola egoki bat, hain zuzen. (DNA, Daily News and Analysis,
Sachin Kalbag
WASHINGTON DC: Two years ago, when Raj Natarajan relocated to Seatlle in Washington state on the northwestern coast of the United States, along with his family, the first thing he did was to go in search of a girls’ school for his two daughters.
He could not find one, and the locals did not even know what a girls’ school meant. In
He called up Dr Leonard Sax, the founder of National Association for Single Sex Public Education, to find out why. And, as way of criticism, told Sax that his website sucks. Natarajan was right about single-sex schools. When he called, the whole of the