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Thursday, August 15, 2019

Barandi's American Experience, 2019

Here we are again, in Reno, Nevada, thanks to the fact that I received a scholarship from the USAC. After a trip in which, due to the miscalculation of the company, I lost a connecting flight (free night in LA), in the end, I arrived on July 26 to Nevada lands.

Shortly after arriving, we have returned to ride a bike, once again doing the 45 km Reno-Verdi-Reno stage next to the Truckee River and in some sections crossing semi-desert landscapes.

On August 10 we had the opportunity to go to the Kantari Eguna in Gardnerville. From Reno we went Iñaki Arrieta, Edurne Arostegui and the three and there we found Kate Camino who had gone with her family, also from Reno.

The ceremony master, Mattin Etchamendy (from Baja Navarra), presented the event that began with a Catholic mass (with the intervention of the Klika of San Francisco), followed by a lunch organized by "Mendiko Euskaldun Kluba" of Garderville and then, dances and songs. Edurne was encouraged to sing Txoria Txori and I accompanied her with the guitar. It was an occasion to greet old acquaintances from other occasions.

All this in a family atmosphere, as you can see.
Another weekend I went to San Francisco, to a party held at the Basque Center in southern San Francisco. I was able to be with great people. I did some interviews with Navarrese who had emigrated during the 20th century. On Sunday a Catholic Mass was celebrated in the handball fronton. Lunch was massive: an experience that told me: "Asier, you have to come back."

San Francisco-ko pertsona ederrak eta giro aparta.

Thursday, August 01, 2019

Nafarrak Ameriketako Estatu Batuen konkistan XX. mendean

Bai, nafarrak XX. mendean Ameriketako Estatu Batuak konkistatzera joan ziren, duela hamarkada gutxi batzuk. Konkistatzea hitz potoloa dela deritzozu? Niri ez zait iduritzen, ez baitzuten ausardi makala erakutsi egin zutena egiteko eta ez zutelako lorpen exkasik erdietsi FAR WESTen emandako urteetan.
Nafarren emigrazioa eta lorpenak ezagutaraztea dugu helburu abian jarri dugun ikerketa batean. Emakume nafarrek egindako ekarpenari ere arreta bereziz begiratuko diogu, oharkabean pasa ez dadin euren eragin sakona nafarren emigrazioan "ametsen" lurraldera.

Duela gutxi Boiseko Basque Museoan egin izan da euskal emakume emigrantearen inguruko erakusketa bat eta horren haritik goiko liburua eman dute argitara: lan itzela! Gure proiekturako lagungarria, inondik ere.
Behin behineko ikerketa taldearen izena LAIA IKERKETA TALDEA dugu eta oraingoz lau pertsonez osatutako taldea dugu. Aurrerantzean emango dugu honen berri zehatzagorik.