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Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Interview with visiting professor Asier Barandiaran from the University of the Basque Country

This the interview made by de Center of Studies Basques during my staying.

  • What brings you to the Center for Basque Studies?
What brings me here is the good work atmosphere that reigns in the Center for Basque Studies and the spirit of collaboration among scholars in order to do research about anything related to Basque culture. The CBS is a great platform within American culture in which dialogue and reflection about contact between cultures can be constructed and it is a pleasure to take advantage of it

  • Can you tell us what the goal of the project is?
My aim is to conduct research into the diaspora (Basque emigration is an alternative term) in Basque literature (written in Basque) in order to assess its weight and importance within this literature, as well as analyzing what resources, strategies, and trends can be seen in its development.
The fact of the diaspora is a fundamental part of Basque culture, but it does not seem to find so much of an echo in the European Basque Country in defining Basque culture. Probably because of this, nor has it been strongly reflected in Basque literature. That is why probably now it is time to pay attention to this topic in Basque literature in order to become more aware of this important aspect of our culture.
I would also like to make comparisons with other cultures such as the Irish Diaspora in literature.

  • Would you say that this research is quite unique?
The Basque migration or diaspora has been considered from different points of view and its importance has been recognized: the historical, social, cultural, and economic angles have been taken into account. However, literature is without a doubt one of the ways human beings have of constructing our individual or collective identity. This way (of approaching the diaspora) has not been extensively pursued in Basque culture as regards literature, and we hope that both writers and arts administrators will become aware of it so that they can take the literary aspect of such an important part of our reality into consideration, and so strengthen links between the different Basque diasporas in the world.

  • What have you accomplished since you arrived?
I have managed to provide a context made up of other Basque literatures  (written in Spanish or in English) to Basque literature (written in Basque) when it comes to dealing with the diaspora (as a topic, as a literary element, and so on). I have also now a clearer map of the course of action in the following months thanks to the many resources and references that I have been able find at the Basque Library.
My recent contact with some Basque oral poets has given me a new insight into how they see their art and how they see their role in the Basque diaspora.

  • Are you enjoying the U.S.?
Yes I am. This is a special opportunity to learn more about different cultures and different ways of life and I feel very grateful for the help and opportunities given by people living here in order to make my stay more fruitful and enjoyable.

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